
A very happy October to you. Hope that all is flowing well in your home.

Lots of friends have shared how equinox season has left them feeling really wiped out. How's it affected you?

I’ve definitely had more early nights recently. 

Work’s been fun this week – I’ve been busy working on the next issue, out in November – the theme is stillness. Ironic! And reading all the wonderful entries into our Writing Competition 2024. Winners will be revealed in the next couple of weeks.

I’ve got a new nephew, born a couple of days ago. I can’t wait to meet him. I'm so excited! Those tiny toes and soft, soft cheeks, mesmerising eyes and sweet smelling head. Swoon!

What else I’ve been up to:

Visiting Stonehenge

The little one and I decided to bring our Stone Age research to life at Stonehenge last weekend. We stayed in a cosy cottage, explored a local nature reserve and went to see the stones twice! It was a bit of a tourist trap but easy enough to escape the crowds and head off into the fields around to look for burial mounds. My daughter loved the audio tour and gathering new knowledge about how people lived 5 thousand years ago.