Sophie Lovett encourages babywearing during the winter months to ease anxiety and boost positivity

When the mercury begins to drop, and it’s cosy and warm inside, it can be a challenge to motivate yourself to go outdoors with little ones, particularly if the rain’s lashing against the windows. In many ways though it is even more important to get outside in the winter months, and with a little bit of preparation there’s no reason why you can’t continue to wear your baby and keep both of you dry and snug.

Community connection

Getting outdoors generally has a myriad of health benefits, especially with regards to your mental wellbeing. It helps ease anxiety – both the physical exercise and the winter sunlight are a boost to serotonin levels and help keep you calm and positive. It also helps you feel more connected to your local community and reduces feelings of isolation. Studies have shown that spending time in a green outdoors space can help improve your focus and self-esteem, and give your problem solving and creativity a boost.

The natural light can even help improve your sleep by helping set your body clock. And of course these benefits apply to children just as much as adults – perhaps even more so. Whether snuggled up in the sling or walking alongside you an outdoors adventure can help to break up the day, burn off some energy and make everyone feel just a little bit happier about the world.