However you do it, get your kids outside. They need to reconnect with the world. If they are indoors, insulated from the outside world, they become lazy and it's not healthy for communities says Leo Babauta

Do your kids spend a lot of time in front of the TV or video games? Are they on the internet a lot? If they are like most kids, most of their free time is taken up by the TV or other electronic entertainment.

In fact, after school, television is the second source of education for our kids. Parents come in third.

My kids are no different, but as a dad I try to limit this kind of passive entertainment. 

And when I can, I encourage them to read or go outside.

Every Sunday is Family Day for my family, and one of our favourite activities is playing football in our garden as a family. We put on our sneakers, set up orange cones to function as goals, choose teams and start having fun. Sometimes we like to play kickball instead.

When I started running, I started getting the kids running with me. They also like to ride their bikes in the park while I run.

Playing outside gets kids in better physical shape, healthier, and forces them to use their imaginations rather than the imagination of some Hollywood executive.

Here are some ideas for things to do outside:

  • play football
  • fly kites
  • explore the woods
  • treasure hunt
  • go to a playground
  • go to a swimming pool, beach or lake
  • play pirates, or make a den
  • go jogging
  • ride bikes
  • wash the car
  • rake the garden or sweep the patio
  • water balloon fight
  • have a picnic
  • play tag
  • hide-n-seek
  • obstacle course race
  • just go for a walk, and talk
  • walk to a shop for a treat

There are thousands of other things to do. Coming up with ideas can be a game in itself.

Leo is a coach, editor and father of five. He lives in Northern California where he writes content for his Fearless Living Academy.

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