
How are you?

Have you been rained on this week?

We’ve had so much rain here in Brighton – apart from the wider implications, I guess it’s good for plants, puddle-jumping and snails - so many snails! 

I’m working on the winter edition of the Green Parent – having so much fun with the researching and gathering ideas stage. Although I LOVE every aspect of my job (even the spreadsheety bits) this is definitely my favourite.

I'm also gathering entries in for our 2024 Writing Competition - there's still time to submit your entry - find out more about how to submit, prizes etc. here.

Here’s what else I’ve been doing…

Reading my new favourite book!

I boshed Wild Service: Why Nature Needs You, edited by Nick Hayes in a day or so. It’s such a great book – everyone’s getting a copy for their Christmas pressie!

Inspired by the rare wild service tree (Sorbus torminalis), it’s all about re-wilding and an invitation to discover the power in participation. It features many different people writing about our connection with nature, and offers a realistic and yet, positive take on the situation we find ourselves in now. It’s given me so much hope; I feel uplifted and excited.

A heady blend of science, nature writing and indigenous philosophy, this book calls for mass reconnection to the land and asks that we all commit to its restoration. It’s rocked my world!

Watch Nadia Shaikh, who writes powerfully in the book on the connection between colonialism and the exclusionary mindset of mainstream conservation, talking about re-commoning (reclaiming the land for everyone) below.