My husband and I had talked about growing our own for a while when, in spring 2021, an opportunity to take on a starter plot came up at our local allotment says Tori Beat

We weren’t sure whether the time was right – we had a pre-schooler, a baby due in the summer and were about to embark on a major refurbishment project at home – but we knew it was too good to miss, especially as the scope for growing anything in our modest garden was very limited. So we bit the bullet and signed up. And we’ve never looked back.

The benefits of getting a Starter Plot

The starter plot was ideal for us as it gave us a smaller patch to experiment with and came with lots of support from the Allotment Association, as well as shared use of a well-equipped tool shed and greenhouse. All we needed to do was prep the ground and start planting. Many hands make light work, so we took on a joint tenancy with my sister, brother-in-law and their then-14-month-old daughter, making it a real family affair. Double the fun!