
Meet our authors
thegreenparent The Green Parent

The magazine for raising kids with conscience, our mission is to bring more joy and connection to your family life.

melissacorkhill Melissa Corkhill

Melissa is a mother of three, author and founder of The Green Parent magazine. Connect with her on Instagram @thegreenparentmag.

katehodges Kate Hodges

Kate is Features Writer at The Green Parent magazine and author of many books, including her latest (and first work of fiction) - The Wayward Sisters.

lucycorkhill Lucy Corkhill

Lucy is mama to two wildlings, lives in Sussex with her family and is the founder of Anahata Adoption Connect on Instagram @anahata.adoption.

drlauramarkham Dr Laura Markham

Laura is a clinical psychologist, parenting coach and mother of two children. She has helped thousands of families worldwide with her relationship-based model of parenting.

glenniekindred Glennie Kindred

Glennie is an artist and a writer, who’s published twelve books about our relationship with the Earth and how to create ceremony. Find her at

andyhamilton Andy Hamilton

Andy is known for his wild food knowledge, an author of several books, including Fermenting Everything and father of two. He lives with his family in Bristol.

hannahthomas Hannah Thomas

Hannah is a mama to two children and lives in Oxfordshire, UK. She paints handmade pregnancy, birth and postpartum materials and art for doulas, midwives, antenatal and hypnobirthing teachers.

janhunt Jan Hunt

Jan is the Director of the Natural Child Project, an attachment parenting/unschooling counselor, and co-author of The Unschooling Unmanual with her son, Jason.