Anina Gepp moved into her four-wheeled home with partner, Chris over two years ago

We set out in May 2021 and there is still no end in sight. We spent the first six months in our mobile abode travelling through Switzerland, Greece, Sweden, Norway and Italy.

In our hectic everyday lives, we all need a little more simplicity. My goal is to show people that a healthy, balanced and sustainable diet need not be overly elaborate or particularly time-consuming. These recipes are for anybody who wants more variety and fresh food in their diet without having to spend hours in the kitchen.

The big challenge in a camper van kitchen is to bring the same amount of flavour, sophistication and variety to the plate in a much smaller space. Instead of four hobs, my gas cooker only has two, and I need one of them to operate my stovetop oven. What might sound complicated at first is actually a blessing.

Space constraints made me think about how I could cleverly simplify, modify and even reinvent dishes. As a result, I don’t see cooking in a van as a restriction, but rather as a rewarding experience. Not only are the simple dishes often the best, but they can also be elevated with just a few tricks and flourishes; it always amazes me that they work so well in such a small space. Healthy and wholesome dishes to prepare quickly and with few ingredients are essential both when travelling and at home.

Of course, being able to shop and consume in a conscious way can be a luxury for many people. Not everyone can afford it. But those who can will certainly be making a good investment in both in the future of our planet and their own health.

Photo shows a purple blueberry smoothie bowl with additional toppings on a hessian background
This smoothie bowl makes the perfect snack for between meals and for people who don’t like a big breakfast

Blueberry smoothie bowl


This smoothie bowl makes the perfect snack for between meals and for people who don’t like a big breakfast. Very few ingredients are required. You can also make it when blueberries are in season and freeze it to enjoy in the winter months.

• 300g frozen blueberries • 200g soya yoghurt
 • 1 handful fresh spinach
 • 2 1⁄2 tbsp apple concentrate • Juice and zest of 1⁄2 lemon • 1 pinch ground cinnamon

1 Blend all the ingredients in a blender or food processor and serve with granola, fruit, hemp seeds and nut butter.


Silken tofu can also be used as an alternative for the soya yoghurt. This will make the result even lighter and fluffier, and it can also be enjoyed as a healthy dessert.

Photo shows a vegan poke bowl with crispy fried tofu and fresh vegetables
I love dishes that can be reinvented, which is why I’m a big fan of the poke bowl

Poke bowl with crispy tofu and peanut sauce


I love dishes that can always be reinvented and varied, which is why I’m a big fan of the poke bowl. Originally from Hawaii, it traditionally contains raw fish, vegetables, rice and dressing. My version replaces the fish with tofu.

• 250g tofu • Juice of 1 lemon • 2 tbsp peanut butter • 2 tbsp sesame oil • 1 1⁄2–2-cm length fresh ginger • 1 tsp apple concentrate (or other sweetener) • 5 tbsp tamari (or conventional soy sauce) • 50ml coconut milk • 1 clove garlic • 1 cup jasmine rice or other long-grain rice variety • 2 cups water
 • 1 cucumber
 • 1 carrot
 • 1 handful baby plum tomatoes • Fresh mint, chopped • Toasted sesame seeds

  1. Cut the tofu into bite-sized pieces. Use a blender or food processor, or a stick blender to blend the lemon juice, peanut butter, sesame oil, ginger, apple concentrate, tamari, coconut milk and garlic to a sauce. Marinate the tofu in a bowl with 5 tablespoons of the sauce.
  2. Set aside the remaining sauce. Cook the rice in the water according to the instructions on the packet. In the meantime, fry the tofu well on all sides in a non-stick frying pan until golden brown. Use a vegetable peeler to shave the cucumber and carrot lengthwise into thin ribbons. Halve the tomatoes.
  3. Serve everything together in a bowl with some freshly chopped mint and toasted sesame seeds. The rice looks very appealing when compacted inside a smaller bowl and turned out into the bowl. A cup can also be used. Serve the poke bowl lukewarm or cold. Drizzle over with sauce just before serving.


Since poke bowls taste great cold, this dish is perfect to prepare the night before and take with you if you are out and about the next day. A great meal that looks as good as it tastes.

Photo shows plates with protein burritos on a white tablecloth
These protein-packed burritos are perfect for a quick lunch or dinner

Protein Burritos


These burritos are perfect for a quick lunch or dinner. The great thing about them is that the recipe can be adapted to suit the time you have and your inclination to cook.

FOR THE FILLING • 2 cloves garlic • 1 red onion • 1 tbsp olive oil • 1 red pepper • 50 g sunflower mince (or soya mince) • 1 1⁄2 tsp smoked paprika • Chilli powder • 1⁄2 tsp dried herbs (oregano, basil, thyme) • 3⁄4 tsp salt • 2 tomatoes • 1 1⁄2 tsp balsamic glaze • 150 g sweetcorn • 150 g cooked kidney beans (or black beans) • 1 tsp pear concentrate (or other sweetener)

EXTRAS • Hummus • Fresh mint and parsley • 4 large tortilla wraps • 2 handfuls cooked rice from the previous day

  1. Chop the garlic and onion and sauté in a frying pan with
the olive oil. De-seed and slice the pepper into thin strips and add to the pan. Add the sunflower mince and season well with paprika, chilli powder, dried herbs and salt. Sauté for 5 more minutes, stirring constantly, then chop the tomatoes into chunks and add. Next, add the balsamic glaze, sweetcorn and beans and sauté together. Finally, add the pear concentrate and leave to simmer for about 10 minutes.
  2. Chop some fresh mint and parsley. Now fill the tortillas: first spread the rice in a line over the middle of the tortilla wraps, then top with the filling. Follow this with the hummus and freshly chopped herbs. Carefully roll up the burrito tightly and cut in half. Garnish with the remaining fresh herbs and serve lukewarm.


If you have more time and crave even more protein, you can make tortilla wraps yourself. You only need two ingredients: red lentils and water. Cook the lentils until soft, then blend with the water to make a batter. Fry the tortillas in a pan with oil, just like making pancakes.

Photo shows a plate of dates stuffed with almond butter and drizzled with chocolate
I like to snack on stuffed dates in the evening while I listen to podcasts

Stuffed dates


The fridge in our little van kitchen has a freezer compartment. It isn’t very big, but there’s always room inside for these snacks. I like to snack on stuffed dates in the evening while I listen to podcasts, or during the day whenever I feel peckish.

• 10 pitted Medjool dates
 • 10 tsp almond butter
 • 1 pinch salt
 • 1⁄4 tsp ground cinnamon • 60 g vegan dark chocolate • 35 g chopped almonds

  1. Cut the dates open along their length, fill them with almond butter and sprinkle them with salt and cinnamon. Melt the chocolate over a bain-marie and coat the dates with it. Sprinkle with chopped almonds. Put the dates in the fridge until the chocolate hardens.
  2. Stored in an airtight container, these stuffed dates will easily keep for two weeks in the fridge and longer in the freezer. Leave them to thaw out briefly before eating.


The dates are also delicious with a peanut butter filling and chopped peanuts. Then they even remind me a little of a Snickers bar.

Photo shows a table laid for dinner with white tablecloth, outside a white camper van
With such a small space we have no choice but to buy a little food at a time


Food waste is a huge problem. A third of the food that ends up in landfill is thrown away in people’s homes.

The reasons for this include buying too much food, losing track of what we have, and throwing food away too quickly, even when it’s still edible. We have a definite advantage in the van because there is so little space, so we have no choice anyway but to buy a little at a time. But this is also a good tip for home.

Although doing a big shop clearly obviously saves time, it also often tempts people to buy much more than they need.

  1. Store food correctly

  2. Use common sense when it comes to the use-by date
  3. Use transparent food containers in the fridge (if you can see what they hold, you won’t forget you have it)
  4. Freeze leftover food straight away
  5. Cook a meal using leftovers at the weekend
  6. Use as much of the vegetables as possible (for instance eat broccoli stalks and carrot tops)
  7. Consume local, seasonal and organic produce
 A vegan diet is by far the most environmentally friendly form of nutrition. Nevertheless, it’s important to also pay attention to where and when your food is produced. Buying locally supports the local economy and ensures that food is transported over shorter distances.


READ Vegan Camper Van Cooking by Anina Gepp (Grub Street)

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