My four year old son Henry often rehearses giving birth. He sees childbirth as something to be proud of and to get excited about writes Nicole Lucy-Jones

“Mummy, my baby is about to be born!” he cries, as my 4-year-old son, Henry, rushes excitedly into the room, both hands cradling his bulging t-shirt. As he confidently delivers his baby, reaching down and lifting the doll to his chest, he hushes gently. He continues to tell me how he is waiting for her umbilical cord (the pacifier clip) to stop pulsating and for his placenta to be born.

I tentatively smile and slip out of the room with a reassuring nod as I leave them to indulge in their ‘Golden Hour’ together. Afterall, everyone knows not to interfere with a mother and her oxytocin, right?