Hello and a very warm, cosy welcome to this week’s newsletter.

How are you?

Hope you’ve had a good week and that the sun has shone on you!

We've had wonderful times in the sun, and I also got to spend more time with my newborn nephew too!

At work, we finished judging our 2024 Writing Competition. The winners will be published on our website over the coming weeks. There were so many wonderful uplifting stories – it was really tough choosing the winners. 

Here's what else I've been up to this week:


I set myself a challenge at the beginning of this year to walk 2024 miles. I just walked the 1600th mile; I’m over three quarters through. I’ve found it easier to motivate myself to get out in the early mornings again, now that autumn’s here. I thought that Spring and Summer would be the time when I really stepped out and clocked those miles, but it’s turned out to be the reverse. This week I’ve walked over the Downs, in ancient beech woodlands with a friend, along the coast in the rain and through water meadows at dawn with my sister. I get so many great ideas when walking. And find that movement creates really insightful communication too. I've had grab-a-notebook-I-need-to-write-this-down type conversations while walking this week. And only 400 miles to walk before the end of the year!