4 experts talk about how to improve reproductive health and improve your chances of conceiving.


Ariele Myers is an herbalist, acupuncturist, alchemical healer and fertility specialist. Founder of Wisdom of the Womb.

It’s important to understand that infertility is a symptom. Trying to “heal” infertility can be a bit like trying to fix a tree that isn't flowering by looking at the branches instead of focusing on the roots.

Each woman has a unique complex of needs required to bring her into balance. When we haven’t attuned to those needs, the resulting imbalance will contribute to the underlying root cause of infertility. In my holistic fertility practice, I guide women through what I call the 6 Elements of Fruitful Fertility:
The Who, What, When, Where, Why, and How of Fertility. I’ll share the WHEN with you here, as even just that simple shift can encourage significant results.