How I Honour the Goddess of the Hearth
Visiting a rewilding project, learning about swifts, reading novels about families and creating a nurturing home environment
Play is the most important work of our children - here are some ideas for having fun in nature
Visiting a rewilding project, learning about swifts, reading novels about families and creating a nurturing home environment
This week we celebrated Halloween, ate loads of plants, made rose petal honey and started a new topic in our home education plan
Lucy Corkhill shares eight simple ways to mark this ancient Celtic festival with your family
Make an altar for Day of the Dead, wander through ticket-free light festivals, see free films, throw a tree party and learn about the lumberjills of World War Two
The festival of Samhain takes place on 31 October and it's a chance to tap into the magical and mystery and give thanks for all we've received this year
Facilitate playtime with a light touch. Enjoy the time, celebrate play and create space to join them. Play is great for grown ups too!