
A big warm welcome to this week’s newsletter. 

I’m two weeks into Project Simplicity (I gave it a grand name for quite a simple premise!)

I feel much better.

Here’s what I’ve been up to:


One of the things I’ve simplified is the teetering piles of books by my bed. I love reading. Losing myself in a novel is one of the ways I look after myself, soothe my nervous system and be a good-enough mum. But it can get compulsive; I go to the library and come home with armfuls of books, certainly more than I can read in the 3 week period I can borrow them for.

So this month, my sister suggested I only allow myself to take out 1 book at a time. Argh, I’ve had to leave many treasures on the shelves!

I’ve been re-reading A Thousand Names for Joy by Byron Katie. This book always has some gold for me. I’ve revisited it so many times and each time I get a new insight about living in the moment and trusting what is. Surrendering and letting go of the need to change things. Everything is unfolding exactly as it should. I recommend if there's something that you're struggling to make peace with.