Donna Taylor explores how this neglected organ carries on giving after birth. In many parts of the world, women have been honouring (and eating) their placenta for centuries

The placenta is an amazing organ that grows along with new life inside a mother’s womb, providing nourishment, protection and oxygen for the baby as he develops ready to meet the outside world. In recent years there has been a growing awareness of how the placenta can support a new mother through her postnatal recovery and more women are deciding to consume this iron rich organ. 

Main benefits

Women in the public eye like Mayim Bialik, January Jones and Alicia Silverstone are speaking out about the benefits of preserving their placenta following the birth of their children. The main benefits are replenishing depleted iron levels, boosting energy levels, the reduction in postnatal bleeding, an increase in milk production and a reduced risk of postnatal depression.