Glennie Kindred invites us to get playful and to find our connection to our wild self. Beltane is one of the great fire festivals of our ancient past, when bonfires were lit on the hill tops and communities gathered together to feast, party, stay up all night and welcome in the dawn.

Beltane, 1 May, is a celebration of the beginning of summer and the power of the life force. At this fertile time of the year dare to reach out for your wildest dreams. What do you wish to grow in your life right now?

Gather outside with friends and family on the eve of the first of May or at the nearest full Moon (24 Apr). Ask everyone to bring food and firewood to share. Eat and tell stories together round the fire and enjoy the sense of community this brings. Celebrate this opportunity for everyone to be outside and experience the rich moment of transition between dusk and nightfall.