From feeling more at ease to having more freedom there are many reasons why you might choose a home birth, says Holly Daffurn

Before you even try to get pregnant, the prospect of meeting your baby is one that will fill you with immense joy. As your pregnancy progresses, the love and the feeling of magical excitement will simply grow; you’ll start to consider the surroundings and ceremony that will welcome that precious new life. There are so many options available to you, meaning that you can give birth in a way that feels right for you and your family. When it comes to making childbirth choices, it is worth taking the time to really consider what you want.

Here are ten reasons why having a home birth may be right for you:

1 You will feel more at ease

The prospect of giving birth can feel as overwhelming as it is exciting. Venturing into unknown territory can often feel terrifying. This fear can stifle the birthing process and limit your natural ability to listen to your body. Your body knows what to do and by listening to your instincts you can really engage with the experience. Childbirth can be absolutely blissful, but you need to create the right environment that allows you to truly tune in with your body. Numerous studies have shown that labour tends to progress more effectively at home, as women feel more at ease. For many women, arriving at hospital can hinder their birthing process due to anxiety. Your primal instinct is to give birth in a place that feels safe, secure and comfortable. There is nowhere more fit for purpose than your own home.