The thyroid gland is a beautiful, butterfly-shaped organ that sits at the base of the neck. It plays a vital role in the body which can affect every single organ system. Thyroid hormones affect our mood, metabolism, energy levels, menstrual cycle, fertility, gut function, and even our skin says Fleur Bailey

Thyroid disease is a condition that results when the thyroid produces more or less hormone than the body needs. Postpartum thyroiditis is described as temporary inflammation of the thyroid which can affect up to 10% of women in the year following birth. This condition is thought to be autoimmune in nature, where antibodies mistakenly attack thyroid tissue.

Many women who suffer with thyroid issues are actually undiagnosed, particularly during the postnatal period. Normal life with a new baby can bring some fatigue, anxiety and hair loss, so it can be easy to miss something more serious that brings similar symptoms. Also, postnatal thyroiditis usually doesn’t present with symptoms until after the routine sixweek check, so GP’s are often unaware. Postpartum thyroiditis is common in women, largely because pregnancy serves as a stress test for the thyroid. During pregnancy, the thyroid must secrete 50% more hormone and if a woman has decreased thyroid reserve prior to conception (usually due to an underlying thyroid condition), this strain can prove too much.