Can I Really Have an Orgasmic Birth?
Birthing with love and pleasure is possible for every person in every setting. Birth lays the foundation for how women feel about themselves and profoundly impacts their postpartum sexuality and relationships.
Nurturing those first years of a little one's life
Birthing with love and pleasure is possible for every person in every setting. Birth lays the foundation for how women feel about themselves and profoundly impacts their postpartum sexuality and relationships.
What if our over-clean approach is contributing to a host of chronic conditions ranging from allergies to inflammation of the gut?
The first few days after birth are a really important time for breastfeeding. The milk that is produced in these first few days (colostrum) is amazing stuff, packed full of antibodies.
For millenia women have given birth with other women - there to support, hold, rock and even sing to the birthing mother. Check out these birthing traditions from around the world.
When the environment is right, where she feels safe, a woman is able to follow her instincts. Giving birth is a natural bodily function.
Taking back responsibility for pregnancy and birth is as empowering as it is challenging. A great deal of courage is required, to work through fears.